McPhees Gardening Services

Lawns and Gardens

Even though winter is here, it is still important to tend to our lawns and gardens.   Its not that hard to do if you have the right equipment, or better still a good gardening contractor that services your local area like Dingley village Keysborough or even Patterson Lakes.

8th June 2019. Gardening Tips, General. 1992 page views.

Even though winter is here, it is still important to tend to our lawns and gardens.   Its not that hard to do if you have the right equipment, or better still a good gardening contractor that services your local area like Dingley village Keysborough or even Patterson Lakes.

During winter, lawns should be mowed at a good height similar to summer, but more importantly the grass clippings should be caught . Mulching lawns is more desirable in Summer as it feeds the the lawns and it is easier to achieve: eg mulching wet grass is a good way to make grass look smooth . Cutting the grass too short in winter makes it hungry and it will like spend the spring from recovering from shock .

As with all lawn mowing, having edges cut and fence lines etc trimmed make a lawn look great . Using good equipment makes the job easy.  Sharp blades, well serviced equipment and observing safety precautions makes the job safe, effective and looking fantastic.

Gardens can still shine in winter and colour can simple be provided with annuals ( pansy ) azaleas and cameliia.  

Even a Vegetable patch can add not only a food source but a feature of that lonely spot in the garden.

Pruning and hedging are another task for winter, and rose pruning as mentioned on another blog is essential during winter.  See Rose Pruning tips here:

Look around and plan or plant out to screen out undesirable views like rubbish bins

Gardening is a science and is complicated if you want it to be, but at McPhees Gardening we believe it should be enjoyable, rewarding and easy to achieve a beautiful garden with planning and good advice.

Our customers in Dingley Village ,Keysborough and Patterson lakes enjoy our lawns and gardens some are completely maintained by us and some we just mow the lawns whilst the customer tends to garden with free advice and for larger task we can help out.

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